Young Engine
8 min readJun 27, 2020


“There is not any friend, as loyal as a book.”

Books not meant to read only, but also to interact with an equivalent book. Every book says a lot and a very good book listens to us; tries to understand us & tell us where we are and where we will be.

Reading gives you access to thoughts and aspiring minds that not only extend our knowledge but also our horizons. Which is the reason "Leaders are Readers."

Herewith presents FIVE books which will help every individual to strengthen knowledge also to make a positive impact on their lives:-


Rich Dad Poor Dad written by Robert Kiyosaki is a modern classic of non-public finance and therefore the favorite finance book of all time. Although controversial and often heavily criticized, people have decided it’s worth reading – as it has sold over 40 million copies.

Robert Kiyosaki tells the story of his two Dad’s in his childhood. His own father and the father of his best friend. While he loved both, they were very different when it came to contend with finances.

The story of the poor one starts with the thought that many of us are too afraid of being branded as a weirdo, in order to exit the rat race. We let the two main emotions everyone has around money dominate our decisions: fear and greed. That’s why we still stick with the outdated mantra, “Go to school, go to college, get a job, play it safe.” when actually no job is safe anymore.

Next, adopted the mindset of “work to learn” rather than “work to earn”. Take a job in a field you have no clue about, like sales, customer service, or communications to develop new skills – you never know what they might be good for. Set aside 5% of your income each month to buy books, courses, etc. on personal finance to start out building you financial sound.

As soon as you begin your journey towards wealth, you’ll realize that it’ll be quite long one. That’s why it’s important to stay motivated. Kiyosaki suggests creating an “I want” and an “I don’t want” list.

Another idea is to pay yourself first each month. Take the portion of your salary you wish to spend on stocks or your financial education, invest it, and pay your bills afterward. It’ll create pressure to be creative in making money and show you what you'll be able to afford.

Use your money to accumulate assets rather than liabilities.


Paulo Coelho’s enchanting novel The Alchemist is rated as the international bestseller book for the past 25 years. Yet contains powerful emotions, interesting & deep characters, plots twists, and galvanizing wisdom. The story roam around a shepherd boy named Santiago travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried within the Pyramids. He is both a simple sheep herder and an ambitious explorer. He follows his dreams faithfully. Along the way, he meets a Gypsy person, a man who calls himself king, a person who claims to be an alchemist (an alchemist is the one who can turn metal to gold) and then a true alchemist who doesn’t brag in the least. Each character points Santiago within the direction of his quest. Nobody knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. He hits dead ends, someone steals his money, he trusts incorrectly, he gets captured in the desert, etc.… but amazing things happen as well, and the land always moves forward, Tides turned. He arguably changes his own destiny along with his actions. Santiago must wrestle with what he is told vs. what is real. But what starts out as a journey to seek out worldly good turns into a discovery of the treasure found within — the fine line between reality and the spiritual. He moves from hopeless to hopeful and back again throughout the story. He even meets Fatima, love at first sight, in a massive desert oasis. His quest, coupled with the magical realism genre might leave the reader with questions. Did Santiago truly summons the sandstorm that led to his escape in the desert or was it a coincidence? Did he really feel Fatima’s kiss on his cheek at the end, or was it just a way of longing to fulfill his promise to return to her? Lush, evocative, and full of awesome quotes about being, the story of Santiago may be a real (and slightly magical) representation of the reworking power of our dreams, whether real or imagined, people in our lives, and the importance of listening to our hearts.


Positive thinking and a positive mindset is the key to success. If The Intelligent Investor is the bible for investing, then Think And Grow Rich is the bible for successful people in general. It’ll also make you rich, but not necessarily by picking stocks.

Published in 1937 by Napoleon Hill, this book has sold over 70 million copies so far. Yup, nothing beats the power of starting early. To contrast that, the last Harry Potter book has sold 50 million copies – impressive, huh?

Hill spent the majority of his life studying successful people and their habits and the 13 most prevalent ones are the ones he shares during this book.

Here are the three which will get you the furthest:

1. Use autosuggestion to build an unshakable belief in yourself.

2. Be stubborn and always stick to your decisions.

3. Joining a Mastermind group to cut the learning curve.

It’s really hard to select 3 things from 13, especially because they’re all important. After reading the book, you would possibly think, “Well, this is a lot of good advice, but it’s all generic.”

That’s true, one should always confine mind when the book was published. Imagine being a 1937 mill-hand or coal miner, then getting your hands on this book – the insights were mind-blowing at the time.

Millions of people find it astonishing and will come to know everything you ever ought to become successful, as long as you instantly start to execute the ideas in it.


Remember when the internet was new, few people were running online businesses, and everything that had to do with it felt somewhat sketchy? That’s what self-help must’ve felt like in the 1960s. The genre has been around for books since the turn of the 20th century, but it only really became popular within the late 80s to early 90s.

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind is one among few exceptions, likely because of two factors. First, the author, Joseph Murphy was a well-known minister of the Church of Divine Science and second because his book took root in both science and religion. From today’s perspective, the book feels a bit impractical, but at the time, it struck the exact right nerve.

That’s why this how-to guide for manipulating your own behavior to urge what you want has sold many copies and remains popular to the present day. Here are 3 lessons to assist you tap into the unconscious part of your mind:

1. Use visualization as a way to exploit the consequence in your favor.

2. If you can’t decide between several options, give yourself a night to sleep over it.

3. Make a sincere effort to wish well for others, because envy only gets in your own way.

The author told us the scientific principles to urge the utmost utilization output of your subconscious mind.

For any book that’s over 50 years old, it’s important to consider the context of its time. During this case, the book goes a bit overboard with what we are able to realistically expect to be possible from visualization. The law of attraction is real, but only works if you are doing too. That said, with a bit of distance, you can devour several useful ideas from the Power of Your Subconscious Mind. The author told us the scientific principles to urge the utmost utilization output of your subconscious mind.


This book is not just a book, but a university in itself, which is written by Veda Vyasa.

The Bhagwad Gita may be a manual for all times and living. The Gita presents the laws, and principles on which life works. Well before there was any concept of ‘Hinduism’, thousands of years ago, our ancestors called themselves the Arya Putra or noble race. Or Bharatas (bha — light and rata — revel), those reveling within the light of responsiveness. The upshot of this philosophy was prosperity, harmony, and spiritual growth. The philosophy created a propitious environment for people to reflect on higher trailing of life.

Bhagavad Gita told us the 5 ultimate truth of life-

• God

• Human

• This World

• The actions we take

• Time

Bhagavad Gita is usually recommended to every individual who wants every answer to their questions, and also who wanted to ascertain the world with the sweetness of life.

The Gita was given to the commutated and noble Arjuna when he became dispirited on the battlefield at Kurukshetra, unable to hold out against the challenge of having to fight his own relatives, teachers, and friends. The message of the Gita given by Krishna rescued him despite the incapacitated state he was in.

The text ends with Arjuna overcoming the state of depression he was falling into, and he's now equipped to do his duty and fight a righteous war, Author tells us that where there's the skill of Arjuna and the yoga of Krishna – these are values they symbolize – there'll be success, prosperity, victory and sound policy.

~ By Aman Mudgal for Young Engine



Young Engine
Young Engine

Written by Young Engine

Young Engine is a premium community of self driven young mindset across the India.

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