Conspiracies lead to blunders and fatalities and conspiracy theories lead to rational judgments and deep investigations. Here are the five most famous conspiracy theories that you must be aware of:
1. Man landing on the moon — NASA’s Apollo mission
An estimated 530 million people watched Armstrong’s televised image and heard his voice describe the event as he took”…one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” on July 20, 1969, as quoted by NASA on its official website.
The ideation of the mission and its subsequent execution was a great success in the history of science. It was portrayed by NASA as one of its successful mission evidenced through various video and image releases. Apollo 11 has been one of the hotly debated accomplishment-not yet in the views of many. The conspiracists all around the world have been claiming it to be a hoax-a manipulation by NASA to impose its supremacy. According to David Meade, the Apollo spacecraft had no shield to protect the astronauts from the radiations emitted in the Van Allen zone. But this argument was countered by NASA by claiming that there was no harm to astronauts as the exposure in that zone was minimal. The fluttering flag in the video which was planted by the crew invited yet another suspicion with the claim that there is no wind on the moon. The hoax claims included one claiming it to be a one-shot in a film studio.
After 50 years of the mission also it has been unclear to many and a topic attracting varied judgments. The most effective tool to authenticate this mission can be a step forward by NASA with more convincing proofs.
2. 9/11 Conspiracies
The attack that killed thousands and destroyed the lives of many, a loss to capital, the unveiling of the most dreadful face of Al-Qaeda-9/11. It was a series of four attacks by the terrorist group on the United States which caused the destruction of World Trade Centre and an invasion by America in Afghanistan to extradite Osama bin laden-the mastermind behind the attack.
The collapse of the World Trade Centre due to the attacks is contradicted by the arguments of many as in their view, the collapse was a result of the placement of explosives at certain determined places. But the investigation proved this to be a false claim as it was proved that the fall was due to the inferno caused by planes and broken floors. The BBC reports and investigations first aroused suspicion and then cleared it too. The documentary film’ Loose Change’ tried to give a more clear picture but resulted in dissenting views. The writings of David Ray Griffin and the subsequent criticism by Ryan Mackey added a level up to these conspiracies.
3. The assassination of John.F.Kennedy
The 35th President of United States while on his two days fundraising trip to Texas was shot by Lee Harry Oswald. Further, the assassin was also killed in the police custody. This incident arose the view that a conspiracy was involved behind the murder. Later Warren Commission was established to investigate the matter which reported that Oswald was the only one behind the murder. But these reports were challenged and straight blame was on Cuba. Certain books also expressed strong criticism of Warren Commission. Another theory claims it to be a plotted murder by the succeeding President in order to clear his way. Numerous conspiracy theories have been built upon yet no such well proved on has been out.
4. Princess Diana’s murder
Diana-the princess of Wales died in a car crash on 31 August 1997. Her death is attributed to the reckless driving of her chauffeur who was later found to be drunk. But still, after more than twenty years of her death, various conspiracy theories have come into the picture. One of them was proposed in a book by Martyn Gregory. The theory of conspiracy involved behind the death gets more air with the death of her boyfriend Fayed. Some call it a plot by the royal family, others a one planned by her own driver, the result of doctor’s denial to treat her, the tampering of her car and some blame the photographers.
The conspiracy theories ran parallel even when she was alive as her bodyguard was murdered. The main sources which repeatedly provided this information were the British newspaper-Daily Express and Egyptian businessman Mohammad-Al-Fayed, father of her boyfriend.
5. The new coke by soft drink giant
On April 23, 1985, the Coca Cola company announced a change in its coke making formula which it thought suitable after market research to regain its market share. But the move didn’t go as planned because the customers had an attachment with the classic one and didn’t want this attachment to be ruined even by the company itself.
A conspiracy theory claims that the company intentionally degraded the quality of new coke in order to increase the sales of the original one. This claim was countered by the Coca Cola President by saying that ‘’The truth is we are not that dumb, and we are not that smart.
The introduction of new coke resulted in panics and disturbances. And finally, the classic coke was back in the month of July. This move resulted in an upsurge of the company’s revenue and a great leap forward in market capitalization.