Young Engine
7 min readJun 29, 2020


Mindset plays an important role to get us where we want to be. A focused mind can always come in handy to build up a confident personality; but a clumsy chaotic mindset can lead to one downfall in a few moments. Having a rich mindset is not feasible or in other words easy as pie. It takes great effort to train our minds to distinguish what’s good and what’s bad. By waking up in the morning one cannot learn what and how things need to be done. Discipline, willpower, self-confidence, and most importantly social networking all need to be taken under consideration. Reading mindset books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki translates the actual difference between having a rich mindset and a poor mindset. Everyone wants to have enough wealth to thrive in their g(old)en days but there is a huge difference between being rich and financial independence and for understanding, this difference is critical to hoarding wealth and preparing yourself for your future. To understand this, you would like to first establish a healthy money mindset.

Getting started

Everything needs a start, to have a rich mindset one needs to start many things beginning with things that are greater than the current reality to motivate you. If you be in your comfort zone you’ll never be able to develop a mindset bound to do exceptional things. Stepping out of the comfort zone is the foremost step to have a focused goal for achieving what you want.

Network out

Social Networking is all about finding good friends who match your mindset but at the same time teach you new things and the perspectives about the world. Choosing your friends is a hefty but very crucial task because a good network helps you to grow and develop a rich mindset for which we are about. Do not be afraid to make friends that talk about money because they might help you in learning new ways having a circle of good friends on which you can rely upon will also boost your self-confidence. There is a study that suggests that you are the average of 5 people you surround yourself with, so it is your choice to choose people with a rich mindset of a poor mindset.

Figure out what motivates you.

When you set big goals, you've got to modify your thinking, beliefs, and behaviors. And this rewiring takes a lot of practice and dedication. As humans, our brains are wired to a fear circuit and as a result, we love our comfort zone. We fear the unknown, so we stay tolerant of our current (not necessarily ideal) situations. Let’s face it; we’re creatures of habit.

Ask yourself: Does it interest me if my life has real purpose or meaning. The answer may help you override your current situation that keeps you stuck in the comfort zone increasing your self-confidence.

Value yourself first!

The results you’re experiencing are a mirrored image of your internal framework. When you change your mental blueprint and financial self-image you transform external results like self-confidence. If you keep telling yourself that you aren’t smart enough or good enough, or that you don’t know enough, it’s not going to be easy to turn on the steady stream of cash flow. And with a hard and fast, low-earning mindset, constant negative self-talk, and a poor mindset, you won’t be likely to retire early or be able to grow and developed a rich mindset. So rather than all that unproductive thinking, implement a millionaire mindset or rich mindset and put a high value on yourself. When you will value yourself and put yourself first and foremost, you increase your deserving level through a self-worth vibration and resonance.

Focus on what you can control

Focusing on what you can control while ignoring what you can’t is what separates the successful people from everyone else. For instance, a failure blames their financial problems on things out of their control, just like the economy, politicians, and also the hiring market. However, a successful person ignores all of that and takes action. They start a business, work on negotiating a raise, and automate their finances in order that they can invest easily. Instead of giving up at the first sign of failure and finding comfort in complaining, a successful person rises up to the occasion. They’re not okay being a passenger in life, they want to be the captain of their own destiny. A successful person self-confidence is what makes him or her stand out of crowd.

Productive routines

To have a progressive mindset one needs to develop a productive routine. Netflix, YouTube, and Tik-Tok have been dominating the entertainment industry, killing the time and creativity of millions each day. While it’s generating money for them, it does little for you - and rich people know this. Having a routine doesn’t mean you just wake up as a diligent individual out of nowhere. When we talk about routines, we don’t just mean waking up at 5 am every day. That’s only a tiny part of it. Instead, we’re referring to the overall environment rich people put themselves in. You need to pay attention to what you feed in your mind and put yourselves in environments where success is most likely. Routines consist of all these components - time, environment, and habits. For example, when you need to get some work done, do you work from your bed? You probably end up getting much less done. Having a designated workspace will get you much further ahead. When its time for bed, put your phone away. Have a disciplined and productive routine.

Never stop learning

This doesn’t mean having to go back to school to take a master’s degree or Ph.D., what we are trying to say is that learning doesn’t stop once you graduate from college. Reading financial books, attending seminars, and even hanging out with “rich minded” people may be avenues of learning, and it’s these bits of added knowledge that may take you further in your money- making skills. The books and movies that can help you to grow and develop a rich mindset are listed below:


Rich dad poor dad-

Rich Dad Poor Dad is about Robert Kiyosaki and his two dads—his real father (poor dad) and other one father of his friend (rich dad)—and the ways within which both men shaped their thoughts about money and investing.

You oughtn’t to earn a high income to be rich.

Rich people make money work for them.

The 5 am Club-

People who have a daily habit of rising early are successful.

Small, frequent advances lead to unimaginable results over time.

To truly be great, continue to step outside your comfort zone, even after your life is changing for the better.

The subtle art of not giving a f*ck- BY MARK MANSON

Finding something important and meaningful in your life is the most productive use of time and energy.

Every life has problems associated with it.

The key to living a good life is not giving a fuck about more things, but rather, giving a fuck only about the things that matter with your personal values.



An awkwardly shy teenager is forced to live up to the high expectations set by his parents. He is forced into a strict school and is encouraged to move against the status quo by the boys in the class. They all eventually find their individuality, so this movie is a great pick-me-up for students who want to remember why they followed their love of learning in the first place – to improve themselves and change the world.


Could you unlock a secret talent? A janitor at MIT is incredibly gifted in maths and chemistry but doesn’t realize what his potential can offer. This film will inspire you to discover hidden talents you may have – perhaps by using a different part of your brain. This is the go-to motivational movie for number-crunchers.


The struggle of father Chris to provide a good future for his son is the inspiring plot of The Pursuit Of Happiness. The movie while highlights the father and son bond also has the message of never giving up ON YOURSELF. Being evicted from their home and faced with financial difficulties both father and son encounter numerous struggles every day. Yet, the small MOMENTS of happiness they find in their togetherness provides a heartwarming plot for the film. Movies like the pursuit of happiness help us to understand how to see good things even in the dark

At the end to be successful and confident personality one needs a network of good friends and to develop a mindset that helps you to be the best version of yourself i.e. developing your character is the foremost thing one needs to do for a better future once you have a disciplined process to work then only a broad creative mindset can help you in achieving whatever you desire, you just need to trust the process then only you can achieve what you want in life, books and movies mentioned above like the pursuit of happiness help to find the path one looks for they give an instance to how difficult it is yet achievable.

~ By Inboxharleen for Young Engine



Young Engine

Young Engine is a premium community of self driven young mindset across the India.