How to use your time productively in quarantine

Young Engine
7 min readJun 25, 2020


Have you been wondering that what should one do in the lockdown period? Well, here is an article on 'How to use your time productively' that might help you!

From Learning new skills to reading books, we have got you all covered.

We all have been in this lockdown period since a couple of months now and most of us have all the time in the world. Initially, it was easy to pass time throughout the day by sleeping, binge watching series/movies, but now, reality has started to kick in and suddenly, it is not so easy to let time pass by. We have to do something productive to keep ourselves active and alert.

But how do I start?

If you are one of those people who struggle to take the first step or constantly need external motivation to keep going, then you need to keep in mind that external motivation is temporary.

One should be motivated from within to keep going and the best thing that a person can do to stay motivated and focussed from within is:


This might seem funny, but meditation is something which I personally think that everyone should do! There are various tutorials which can help you to start with the basics of meditation. It not only helps to improve a person’s concentration power, but also helps in maintaining clarity of thought.

It is not necessary that you meditate for hours. Even meditating for a short span of time helps a lot to improve one’s focusing power. Meditating is something that one should definitely do as it can do wonders in one’s life.

Reading books

You might have read a lot of articles which tell you to read books, but, let me tell you why you should read books. Reading books give you a superpower which is beyond comparison. It gives you the power to roam around the world while lying on you bed. Moreover it has various genres to choose from. There is fiction for those who like to wander in the vast realms of their imagination, Biographies and Auto-biographies for those who want to know more about famous personalities, Self-development books for those who want to develop a particular skill and whatnot!

Now, I know that you might be thinking that hey, we can do this on a smartphone as well, or maybe just watch a movie based on that book. Well, you can do it on your smartphone or watch the movie, but reading books will also save you from being pestered by your mothers for being engrossed in your mobile phones all the time. If you feel that it is difficult, try to read a light book and trust me, you will be flipping pages in no time! Also most of the movies miss out on a lot of detail when based on a book/novel, so it would be better to read the book first.

Learning a new skill

You could invest your time in learning a new kill which might boost your career in the future, or you can also learn a skill that is not related to your profession and you have wanted to learn that since a long period of time. It could be learning the skills in demand such as Digital Marketing, SEO, Programming, Content writing. You can also learn a new language from the various sources available online (Duo lingo being a popular one). You can also improve you existing skillset, such as Effective Public Speaking, Communication Skills and many other. It might sound a bit difficult to do all of the above, but trust me, all it takes is the first step along with some dedication and nothing else!

Watching good movies

I am not asking you to binge watch any series or shows. But, there are some movies which are definitely worth the time and investment as they teach us some invaluable life lessons unlike the typical Bollywood drama or T.V shows. They show us the reality of life and if one can spend hours binge watching movies or videos on You tube they don’t even like, then it would be a sin to miss out on these movies. There are a lot of movies which can cause such a positive impact in one’s life. Some of them are: The pursuit of happiness, The Shaw shank Redemption, Wolf of the Wall Street and many more. Now, some of these movies might not be suitable for all the age groups, but there are several options available.

Get your body in shape

Have you been waiting for the perfect moment to burn that extra layer of fat? Well. Now would be the best time to do so. I am not saying that start building 6 pack abs or work out 2-3 hours every day, but do give some to your body. Fitness along with meditation will definitely help you stay active and focused throughout the day. There are a lot of means through which you can work out at home and still have a great physique. Even helping your mother in doing the household chores is one of the best ways to exercise. Don’t do it for anyone else, but do it for yourself.

Write your heart down

Have you ever tried penning down the thoughts that you have been having? Trust me, it is fun. Try writing down on a piece of paper about how you day was, what did you do the entire day, whom did you talk to, how did you feel that day. It will not only help you improve your writing skills, but it will also help you to address your emotions in a better way. Try to make an observation and start writing in the language you are comfortable in. To start off, you can also write something about yourself! You can also search about a particular topic of your interest and write it down in your own words.

Become a master chef

It does not matter whether it is a fancy dish or a sandwich with mysterious ingredients. As long as you are making it, you are a master chef! Try out various recipes which you have been thinking about. Just ensure that you leave the kitchen in one piece otherwise your first dish might become your last dish. This is the best time for students or people to learn how to cook basic things so that when they return to their daily grind in another city where the food is not so good, they will at least have some options to consider.

Look for opportunities regarding career growth

Since everyone is at home and everything is happening online, various corporations are hiring interns or even employees. Although a lot of employees have been fired, but if you are searching in the right place, you might get a lot of opportunities to get an experience in some of your dream companies. They might pay you less and some of them might not even pay you, but knowledge is something that never goes waste. Join various telegram groups, explore LinkedIn, where there are tons of opportunities for people who are willing to work. You can also develop a particular skill set and do an internship if that field attracts you. You can really find what you actually like.

Hone your Hobbies

If you have a hobby, then now is the best time to hone them. If you don’t have a hobby, then now is the best time to build one! It can be learning a new song on a musical instrument or learning how to play the instrument itself. It could be dancing, singing, photography, writing, magic and so much more. It is the best time to up skill yourselves and become a better version of yourself.

Spend time with your family

Spending time with your family is not only necessary so that you can bond, but also so that you can learn. You can learn a lot through their experiences which they have had in their lives. It helps you to be aware of the various mistakes that they have made in life and therefor, you can avoid making them.

While there are a lot of things that one can do to be productive, one needs to take the first step so as to get started. We have listed down some of the things which might help you in deciding how to use your time productively. All it requires is some amount of dedication and you will be good to go. If you found this article to be helpful, do like it and drop a comment for the same.



Young Engine
Young Engine

Written by Young Engine

Young Engine is a premium community of self driven young mindset across the India.

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