Myths about Productivity
It's human nature to want more productivity, because it's no less than a secret to stay on top of your work and claim back to success. The issue, however, is that there is no shortcut to getting it.
The subject of productivity has been thoroughly wrapped. It's so wrapped that we can't even find the meaning under the mountain of tips. Have you ever noticed how the most common productivity tips make you less efficient when you're trying to implement them? That's because they're myths.
What are the myths and misconceptions that prevent you from being more productive in both your working life and your personal life? How are you actively undermining your efforts to bring it all together?
The sad truth is that our belief in productivity and organization often prevents us from doing and being all we want to do and be in our lives. Although we cannot influence the circumstances around us, the things we think about work, life, productivity, performance and creativity affect the way we react to those circumstances, and sometimes the worst.
Myths and conspiracy theories have taken over our life. Every task we do have some myths associated with it for sure. So, in order to give you a brief understanding of all those productivity myths that seem to work but do not actually work, we will begin to explore each of the common myths that are generally linked with improving your productivity at work.
#Myth 1- The More You Work, The More You’ll Achieve
All these stories keep asking you to wake up early and seize the day. Oh, guess what, quantity doesn't always equal quality. An hour of work beyond your ability will quickly lead to a burnout.
What is productivity? Gaining more by doing less.
You should find a technique that helps to achieve better, not by doing harder, but by doing better productively.
#Myth 2- Focus on the bigger goals
Yes, the big goal is important, but so are the small steps you take towards it. You tend to lose the details when you're too focused on the big picture. Why don't you instead focus on the whole picture?
To achieve the habit of sustainable productivity, it is best to build with easily accessible tasks. Many of us quickly lose work efficiency, get irritated and give up our goals sooner rather than later because” we bite more than we chew”.
#Myth 3- Multitasking is Equal to Efficiency
The "productivity tip" multitasking actually hurts your performance i.e. multitasking has detrimental effects on productivity, but that's not true. Actually, when we think about multitasking, a lot of people tend to assume it's like a job switch that's a whole different thing, and yes, it might ruin your productivity.
For example- When you cook a meal while working on the report, then you'll be distracted again. Yes, the pasta can be cooked on its own while you’re working. However, the thought of the meal being prepared will always be at the back of your mind. It's not going to let you focus completely.
#Myth 4 - Busy Means Productive
Burdening yourself with work pressure unnecessary tasks that take a lot of time is one of the most futile things you can do. You need to avoid this behavior as much as you can. Rather than focusing on things that have little impact on your work, do something really important.
Giving importance to work and having it at the top of your goal list is definitely a good attitude to work. But it's not the best way to go to chase all the targets you've set to bring perfection to work or work efficiency and ignore other critical things in your life.
#Myth 5- You Work Best Under Pressure
A few people have the thought that they perform better under specific restrictions, because it helps them to become more creative and to be able to complete their tasks well before time. But the reality is different, because work pressure creates more probability of error, extra stress brings more cognitive load and makes it difficult for your brain to function better.
The major drawback of work pressure is the risk of missing a time limit for work or hindering the work efficiency that can seriously degrade your productivity.
#Myth 6- salary encourages you to Be More Productive
A bonus or a raise can inspire you to work more effectively for a while. But please note that your boss won't be continuously increasing your salary to keep you productive. Money can't buy productivity as there are many other factors that weigh more than a good salary, such as career development, job appreciation, a good relationship between employees, and much more.
#Myth 7- Breaks Are time waste
There are many tasks that are aligned for a single day to be performed. Some tasks are simple, while others require extra miles to go. In that situation, a limited break is considered to be a trick, but that's not the case. Don't listen to all these myths, because they're just obstacles and nothing else. It's a good idea to take a break, but if it's out of procrastination, it should be stopped.
#Myth 8- Remote jobs are Less Effective
If time management is all about you, you’re more liable to slip. This is a myth! If you organize your routine according to your productivity patterns, you can be a lot more productive than the ‘in office job’ environment can permit. Organizing is not boring – being boring is boring. Build your own fun and you'll stop being boring and so you can stop using your disorganization as a coping mechanism for a life that isn't completely understood. Hence remote jobs can be far more effective than you think.
#Myth 9- Clear Your Desk, free up Your Mind
Most people believe they can find anything they need, but when they're put into action, they’re left scratching their heads. If your clutter doesn't work for you, take some time to find out how to make sure it works for you. The clear working atmosphere can be effective for some people. Others feel frustrated when working in a space that is too organized and unproductive.
#Myth 10- System Makes You Inflexible
No, it will not. The system can be versatile enough to allow you to respond to unexpected events. Adopting a system ensures that you know what your goals are, and it also means spending some time trying to figure out what's important to you, what's not important, and how to get rid of the less important things so that you can start making the most of the important things. You really do need a system so that you can plan your time appropriately.
# Myth 11- Sleep Is for Lazy bums, Not for Productivity Seekers
Don't become a victim of this myth, because lack of sleep will make you a disease house, and with all these illnesses, thinking about success will only be a fantasy for you. Staying successful at work is crucial for you to move ahead in your career. Having enough sleep leads to optimal results, helping you to do more and feel more productive every day, without feeling moody or lazy.
# Myth 12- Productivity comes with fame
Trying to link creativity to success is not a smart idea, as you will only become famous if you create a masterpiece that is certainly not possible if you don't work with determination and keep track of your job output from time to time. So, instead of waiting for productivity to hit your feet after becoming a global leader, it's best to think differently and start working on other resources to achieve productivity with both hands.
# Myth 13- Working from Office Is More Productive
You may be able to appreciate the benefits of ‘in office jobs’ with teamwork and connect with your supervisor when you're stuck with something, but it doesn't improve productivity in you because it depends on how you handle your tasks from home or workplace, or somewhere else.
#Myth 14- Gaining Rewards Fuel Your Productivity
Instead of worrying about it for a long time, it's easier to move on otherwise; you'll become a victim of overconfidence and in the process, you'll end up sacrificing your productivity and work efficiency, which is the key tool for your success. Doing hard and smart work will take you a little further and far more interesting than just wanting a reward.
# Myth 15- Willpower Has No Influence on Productivity
Willpower is not only about making impossible things possible, but it also helps you keep productivity at the top. It’s just like a muscle that keeps you focused and improves your productivity if you tone it properly. So instead of pushing yourself to maximize your productivity, it’s easier to strengthen your willpower so that your brain gets all the energy you need to make you successful.
If you’re someone who believes in all or some of these myths, now is the best time for you to get over these myths. Some of the most popular productivity tips on the Internet are totally futile.
Why do you need to know about it? Because you need to stop applying such ineffective strategies that ends up killing your productivity. Now that you are aware of them, you can finally handle your own productivity from a new perspective.
~ By Ritik Kapoor for Young Engine