Personality Development
There are different types of personalities like the organizer, the inspirer, the brainstormer, etc. and there are different ways to leverage different personalities. Personality comprises various things like body language, social etiquette, stress management, productivity, etc. You are the most important person in your life. Start being with someone from whom you can learn things and continually upgrade yourself. No one will listen to you until and unless you are the best version of yourself. Don’t be sorry for who you are. Invest in yourself and let everyone know that you are the best. Help yourself before helping others.
Whenever you imagine about a person you admire, you’ll imagine their face with a smile. Make sure that you have a smile which indicates the positivity in your personality. With positivity, you’ll learn to see white in black or vice-versa. Always show gratitude towards what you have and just smile to become a better personality. Our goals should be SMART, i.e., S (Smart), M (Measurable), A (Achievable), R (Relevant), and T (Time-Bound). People won’t respect you if you procrastinate your work every time. Throw away stuff/apps/foods/activity that distracts you and work for 25 minutes and take 5 minutes break. Prioritize activities in your life in serial order considering the importance and urgency of the work. Procrastination is a fact, don’t run away from it. If you don’t feel like doing it, don’t and come back when your mind is in the right place. To gain confidence, you need to be self-aware about what you can do and what you cannot. You need to have trust in your skills and abilities. Put yourself into uncomfortable situations and get prepared. Positivity is directly related to confidence.
Be generous in your praises and always remember to take their names in conversation while talking to someone. 70% of body language and 30% of words make perfect communication. Whenever you are communicating, your hands should be open and welcoming. Maintain eye contact and stand straight but not rigid. Don’t touch your face while communicating. Smile like you are happy to be there, greet the crowd, and wave to imaginary friends. Use a firm but gentle handshake. There is a very simple trick to smiling: imagine you are seeing something you like. Learn the art of persuasion and communicate with ‘we’ not I.
Become a good manager before a good leader to improve your personality. Do everything with a passion that will make people think that you were born for this. Networking is another important thing. We are the average of the five people around us. Network with a set of people who are on the same road as you. Build self-confidence and cultivate a good attitude because attitude makes your personality. Identify negative thoughts in your mind and convert them into positive ones. Think I’ll try it instead of I can’t do it. Always be proud of yourself and accept who you are. Afterward, keep upgrading yourself regularly and you’ll become a better version of yourself.
Mental health is another important part of personality development. Learn to deal with your emotions. Don’t be afraid of your fears. Instead, push yourself and challenge your fears. Stop comparing yourself with others but with the older you. Focus on improving your life. Discover a list of your insecurities. Burn the list and accept them. If you commit a mistake, admit it. Admit it before someone complaints about it. Career planning will help you gain confidence and you’ll be confident about yourself. Keep discovering your interests and abilities before you get your job. After a job, discover your long-term strategy. Always listen carefully to the people around you. Gain new experiences to add value to your responsibility. Always think about the problem, not the solution. Be a painkiller, not a vitamin.
There are four main ways of approaching stress relief: focus on your body, emotions, mind and thoughts, and lifestyle. Simplify your life, become a minimalist, manage your time better, find a mentor, read more books, practice gratefulness, do workout are some practical ways to manage the stress. Productivity always helps in improving the personality. Meditation, workouts, books, podcasts, and hobbies can help in improving the personality. A better morning routine makes the day better. Better days make a better life. Staying hydrated has many benefits like improving focus, balancing mood and emotion, improved memory, more blood flow, prevent headaches, and manages stress better. Ask yourself WHY and find a reason to do the activity. Read more books because leaders are leaders. Write a journal as it activates the imagination inside your mind which helps in thinking better. Create a habit and habit will create you.
Never miss a chance to create the best first impression because a first impression may be the last impression. Dress appropriately. Physical appearance attracts or repels. Grooming impacts your confidence and physical appearance can attract more people. We don’t need to be attractive to look impressive, neat, and tidy goes a long way. Fitness improves health, energy level, and confidence. Fitness contributes to building a lifestyle.
Appearance is an instant impression but personality and confidence overshadow it. Have the right mindset and build self-esteem. More self-esteem makes people realize your worth because when people will love you only when you will love yourself. Self-love is the key to make yourself better and ultimately influence people. Get people talking about themselves and genuinely listen because people love talking about themselves. Facial expressions, body language, and voice tone are crucial areas. Pre-power poses are all about taking up space and claiming territory. Ideal power poses help in gaining confidence. Be honest about your vulnerabilities and don’t be afraid to admit some of your silly shortcomings, imperfections, or weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to ask for a favor as it has huge benefits like it gets people talking about their opinions, it stimulates interesting conversations, etc.
Charismatic people have the best personality and they make us feel good. They are magnetic, influential, and likable. The best version of yourself is the best personality one can have. Start with WHY and continuously work on improving yourself. Become a charismatic personality.
Written by Rashipahwa for Young Engine.