The Learnings; We Never Forget!
The Liabilities side is equivalent to Assets side; The never matching balance sheet is something that ruins one's flow in doing Accounts. During, my boards I started my preparation with one of my core (loathed) subject and very obvious that the things happened with you, happened with me as well at some point. But I made that point into a turning relation from the much disliked subject to my favourite subject Accounts. You must be wondering how is that even possible ?
How? I'm gonna share later but what helped me can help you as well. Guess what I rigorously and conscientiouly started giving emphasis on the concepts of Self-learning. Apart from taking help from the classes to learn basics, I started mentoring myself through each and every concepts at every stage I have learned and this is what we call Self-learning.
How crucial is to focus on Self Learning?
"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune", Jim Rohn.
Self-learning makes you more and more pensive and introspective which assists you in making headway your thought process and self-examining yourself. In fact,it not only makes you learn other important skills like time management so as to complete your assigned task on time, self-assessment but also helps you in developing the ability to learn other skills at faster rate.
It also evolves the ability of:-
Taking control- One of the major advantages of self-study is that students can take control over their own learning. And when students have control, they become even more interested in learning.
Learning more effectively- Exploring a topic on his or her own encourages the person to actively engage with the information and make connections between what they are learning.
Boosting one's self- esteem- when students do more self-study, many become more confident learners. They are able to see themselves as an independent person who is able to learn new things by themselves.
Enhancing problem solving skills- self-driven learning includes researching work, risk management, decision making, mental team work, different thought processes, analysing the things, creativity and intelligence all these factors definitely helps in improving problem solving skills.
Retaining capacity- The process of learning through self builds your ability to retain things that you have learned and helps you remember them for longer time.
The process of Self-learning mainly focuses on the way how you learn and understand the concept or the idea. Additionally on implementing it at each and every stage. It also teaches the individual to be in disciplined regarding the assigned task and is quite challenging for an individual which thus helps in getting out of your comfort zone to deliver your best.
Role of Self-learning during Pandemic
Nowadays self-learning has played a vital role in making the students learn various inconsistent subject matter through online courses on various sites and through many different mediums.
As of now it's quite very difficult to find a teacher or a mentor to personally guide you though they can guide you online but, yet it's difficult for most of us to learn online because of network problems. This is where self-learning always helps. These are the only learnings that we remember throughout our life because we have learned it by ourself through understanding the roots of the concepts.
These days the concept of learning through self takes time in grasping and understanding things but also have made it absolutely possible in learning any concept through virtual classes better in comparison to learning it from individuals. It has also enlarged the thinking of the individuals via asking questions to individual self and answering the same question by your self through understanding it from some sourse , say- online learning.
Curiosity generates the desire of Self- learning
Curiosity is the ability to seek and acquire new knowledge, skills, and ways of understanding the world. It is at the heart of what motivates young people to learn and what keeps them learning throughout their lives. It makes question oneself and asking questions is the most important aspect in making headway towards one's growth. As said by Warren Berger__"Knowing the answers will help you in school; knowing how to question will help you in life". This is how curiosity helps to progress and learn new things and leads the way of Self-learning. "Progress is born of doubt and inquiry"__Robert G. Ingersoll.
Self-driven learning comes from a strong desire to gain new knowledge about any subject matter. Therefore we have a limpid intend is what to achieve through learning by self. To get started with the self learning one has to have some interest in the particular domain and this leads to curiosity in gaining more and more knowledge about particular domain.
How to make Self-learning effective?
Firstly, self-learning is always fruitful only if someone is properly and interestingly indulged into a subject matter.
Secondly, to make it more effective here are some tips that can be constructive-
Necessary resources- we should always make sure the availability of resources for studying or learning the particular subject matter. Whatever we aspire to learn, a proper research should be done to make the resource available.
Should have some curiousity- As I have previously explained how curiosity leads the way of self- learning. Therefore one should definitely possess some interest in some domain which leads to curiosity. To develop interest get yourself in involved in different activities and whichever activity you feel like to know more about write it down and find out about the same.
Build your own process - Everyone is different and have their specific and defined pace of learning matters and thus very important to build learning process of yours own.
Always set learning goals- As this point is very important as it will guide you at each and every point to accomplish the goal set. Try to complete the goal set but if unable to complete it on time don't regret or get disheartened. Even if it doesn't gets complete try again to set a goal and achieve it.
Learn from collaborations- While learning or gaining knowledge for a particular subject you are interested in from any source, you will come across different individuals learning the same thing. Therefore significantly involve yourself in discussions with others as this will help you knowing more ways of learning the same thing. Basically, will broaden your perspective.
I hope you have got some idea how crucial self-learning is and these are only learnings that we never ever gonna forget in our life.
Happy Learning (Self)
~ By Khushi Gupta for Young Engine